
Earth Day – April, 22th

Place: Geological Institute, BAS, April, 21st 2023 @ 9:30

Earth Day, April 22, will be celebrated at the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Science, on April 21 2023, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Every year, the world celebrates Earth Day on April 22. This year, the Geological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will mark the occasion on April 21, Friday, from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm in the institute's building, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. 24, Scientific Complex 1.

The theme of Earth Day 2023 is "Invest in Our Planet". Finding efficient and environmentally friendly ways to use the natural resources of our planet for the benefit of society can only be achieved based on a comprehensive scientific knowledge of the geological structure of the Earth. We invite all government, scientific and educational institutions that share our concern for the well-being of our planet to celebrate the event. The scientific program includes presentations on the following topics:

  • Geological mechanisms leading to the destructive earthquakes in Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023;

  • The earthquake record in the geological past;

  • Critical mineral raw materials for sustainable development and green transition;

  • Landslide risk on the territory of Bulgaria;

  • Research in Geological Engineering for the benefit of society - examples from the city of Russe;

  • Current status and usage of geothermal energy in our country;

  • Climatic changes in the geological past and today - the voice of science;

  • Underground research laboratories for radioactive waste disposal.

Planting a tree symbolizes the "man - Earth" relationship. Join us for the planting of Japanese cherry trees (sakura), kindly provided by the Japanese Embassy in Bulgaria. The event will take place in front of the institute's building from 12:00 to 12:30.

Laboratories and scientific equipment available at the Geological Institute will be open to visitors throughout the day. Demonstrations will highlight selected techniques for observation and research of minerals, rocks and fossils.

Let's celebrate Earth Day 2023 together!

The program is available here.

URL: https://www.earthreminder.com
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