
XXII International Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

Place: CBGA 2022 – Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 7-11.09.2022

The 22th Congress Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA) was held in Plovdiv on September 7-11th (CBGA2022). It was jointly organized by the CBGA Council and the National Organizing Committee NOC), including the Geological Institute - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (lead partner), the Agricultural University-Plovdiv (host institution), Faculty of Geology and Geography - Sofia University, University of Mining and Geology, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography – BAS, Earth and Man National Museum, the Bulgarian Geological Society, etc.

More than 330 researchers from over 30 countries attended the congress, making the CBGA2022 the most important scientific geological forum in the last 30 years. Thanks to the sponsors and organizers, NOC supported over 60 participants, among them 16 Ukrainian researchers and 9 students from 5 countries. Over 295 abstracts were published in the special volume of Geologica Balcanica, 10 peer-reviewed full papers and scientific communication were published in the official journals of CBGA – Geologica Balcanica and Geologica Carpathica. All contributions were presented oral or as posters in 18 general and 11 special sessions. Seven field trips/field workshops were held; one of them concerning the geology of Plovdiv was provided as a field guide and mobile application to all participants.

CBGA2022 resulted in many fruitful discussions and, we hope triggered many new collaborations. Thanks are given to all CBGA2022 attendees who enjoyed and shared science together!


Opening presentation of CBGA2022

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