Library of the Geological Institute

Monday - Friday from 9 to 17 hours
Address: 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Geological Institute,BAS
Acad.G.Bonchev str. bl.24,
phone: 0886 181 220,fax:(+359 2)8724638

1. Story structure and current status.

Library at the Geological Institute has its origins in 1889 when the collection was created by geological literature at King's natural-history museum in Sofia. The first steps of the library associated with the names of prominent Bulgarian geologists - Prof. G. goldsmiths, Academician G. Bonchev, Art. Sc. Bogomil Radoslavov. In 1947 based Geological Institute with a library to it, accepting the collection of geological literature of the Geological Department of the King's natural-history museum. Thus, in the library fall collection of 30 securities with bookplate of King Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg Gotha and his son Boris III. Particular historical value of this collection are the works of F. Toula, J Tsviyits E. Dana, and works of famous Bulgarian geologists G. Radev, Il. Stoyanov, S. Vatsev. The oldest collections in the library are in the field of petrography, mineralogy and hydrology. Of particular historical importance are materials for hydrological studies documenting the opening of the Bulgarian mineral springs.

Photo presentation of back issues and books

Over the years, the Institute creates good tradition of collaboration and cooperation between researchers and library specialists. Special merit for this is scientific officer of the library Prof. Hristo Spasov who personally seek and collect many valuable collections of prominent Bulgarian geologists held today in the library. By letter dated 11/02/1952 d Acad Strashimir Dimitrov, director of the Institute / 1950-1960 /, is the Central Library Development Programme geological library. In this first program indicates the baseline to build a library in excess of stratigraphy, tectonics, and the search for magnetic iron-ore deposits. In 1960, account for acquisition specify - to clarify the geological conditions to search for deposits of oil and gas, ores, ferrous and rare metals, minerals, thermal waters. At present the library has extensive collection of literature in the following areas: historical geology, stratigraphy, lithology, petrography, Geotectonics, hydrogeology, geochemistry, mineralogy, economic, engineering, marine geology and regional as well as the latest trend-geoekologiya. Geological library is built to the largest scientific organization in the complex field of geology in the country and is one of the leading special libraries in the BAS. The library keeps all special editions of the Geological Institute. It serves readers a significant contingent of over 460 registered readers who annually use more than 40 000 volumes of literature. Library has the loan service, Reader and 6 depots for storage of papers and funds.

library staff:

Kamen Kamenov

The total book fund is currently (as of the beginning of 2021) 82161 paper units:
Books - 20273 ; Periodicals - 54848 ; Special types of publications - 7040.

There are several significant amount of funds: the reference books, special collections - from maps, atlases, microfilm, CDs and dissertations. The library is a unique country store geofond-completed research developments in the field of geological sciences. The library has subscribed and continue to receive only one in the country specialized magazine Tectonophysics , very appreciated by our readers.

2. Catalogs and electronic resources.
The library owns and maintains a rich traditional catalogs: Alphabetical and systematic book. Alphabetical periodic and ongoing issues.Filing maps and atlases. Card-index geofond, filing dissertations, file of the works of research assistants in the Geological Institute.
Since 2002 the library operates an electronic catalog. Access to it is through the website of the Central Library It reflects all new books, periodicals and serial publications from 2000 onwards, this is ednovremmenno retrokonversiya out of old books available funds. In the future electronic katalag will be the only current form to search for new information due to the freezing of traditional catalogs. Library of the Geological Institute has unlimited access to on-line resources - foreign databases, which are purchased by CB at BAS.
The address for access: SCOPUS, Springer Ling, Swets Wise, Ebsco Publishing.
The book fund of the library is entirely retro-converted. We are currently working on the retroconversion of pre 2003 periodicals.

3. Lending office and reading room. Photo presentation
The library provides free access to a huge number of current periodicals and a large collection of ready reference books in their reading room, which has 20 seats readers. For readers is provided apparatus for reading the microfilm, but unfortunately the library did not have a copier and does not provide that service to its readers. The library has installed Internet connection, which is being accessed electronic catalog and other electronic resources. In the library was employed to allow borrowing of library materials for home use for three months, only for members of the Geological Institute. All other external readers, using materials employed in the reading room.

4. Book exchange and interlibrary loan.
The library annually about 250 titles are received through international exchange. These are books, magazines and periodicals collections of geological services, geological societies, publications of research institutes, universities yearbooks. A significant proportion of these foreign editions are obtained only here in the country. Through the interlibrary and international interlibrary loan, the library provides only copies of their materials.

5. Grants.

6. Normative documents regulating the activities of the library.

  • 1. Ordinance for the preservation of library funds.
  • 2. Rules to serve readers in the library network of Sciences.
  • 3. Order ¹ 489/12.07. 2002 to regulate the visits of foreign readers in the library of the Geological Institute.
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