
  • Petrova, S. 2010. Calpionellid data on Berriasian age of the Sarbenitsa Wedge, Cherni Osam Formation (Western Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria). Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 63, 5, 733-740.
  • Petrova, S., Lakova, I., Ivanova, D. 2011. Berriasian - Valanginian boundary in Bulgaria. Review of the Bulgarian Geological Sosiety, 72, 1-3, 91-97.
  • Петрова, С. 2011. Амонитна и калпионелидна биостратиграфия на бериаския, валанжинския и хотривския етаж в Западното Средногорие и Западна Стара планина. Автореферат, София, 58 с.
  • Lakova, I., Rekalova, E., Ivanova, D., Metodiev, L., Petrova, S. 2008. Transgressive-regressive cycles in the Tithonian and Berriasian pelagic limestones of the West Balkan Unit, Bulgaria. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 74, 1st International Meeting on CCMM, Vienna 16-18 April, 2008, 47-48.
  • Lakova, I., Rabrenovic, D., Petrova. S. 2009. Calpionellid biostratigraphy across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Western Balkan Mountains (Bulgaria and Serbia). In: The 8th symposium of IGCP 506, “ Marine and non-marine Jurassic: global correlation and major geological events, Bucharest, Romania, 28 August-3 September 2009, Abstracts and field guide, 18-19.
  • Lakova, I., Petrova. S. 2009. Calpionellid zonation of the Tithonian, Berriasian and Valanginian around the village of Gintsi, West Balkan Mountains. In: Proceedings of the National Conference “Geosciences - 2009”, Sofia, 3-4 December, 51-52.
  • Petrova. S. 2009. Valanginian ammonite biostratigraphy in the Barlya section, Salash Formation (Western Balkan Mountains). In: Proceedings of the National Conference “Geosciences - 2009”, Sofia, 3-4 December, 59-60.
  • Ivanova, D., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Lakova, I., Stoykova, K., Ivanov, M., Metodiev, L., Petrova, S., Tchoumatchenco, P., Rabrenovic, D., Radulovic, V., Malesevic, N. 2010. Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous platform-to-basin integrated stratigraphy across the Bulgarian-Serbian border. Abstracts Volume XIX Congress CBGA, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010 (Chatzipetros G. et al., eds.), Geologica Balcanica, 39, 1-2, 168-169.
  • Иванова, Д., Колева-Рекалова, Е., Лакова, И., Стойкова, К., Иванов, М., Методиев, Л., Петрова, С., Чумаченко, П., Рабренович, Д., Радулович, В., Малешевич, Н. Итегрирана стратиграфия и корелация на платформените и басейновите горноюрски-долнокредни карбонатни седименти около българо-сръбската граница. Сборник разширени резюмета Национална конференция „Геонауки 2010”, София, 9-10 Декември, 74-75.
  • Петрова, С., Лакова, И., Иванова, Д. 2010. Салашката свита в Западното Средногорие: литология, възраст и граници. Сборник разширени резюмета Национална конференция „Геонауки 2010”, София, 9-10 Декември, 93-94.
  • Lakova, I., Petrova, S. 2012. Towards a standard calpionellid zonation of the Mediterranean Realm (Tithonian to Valanginian). In: Proceedings of the National Conference “Geosciences - 2012”, Sofia, 13-14 December, 89-90.
  • Petrova, S., Metodiev, L. 2012. Berriasian and Valanginian calpionellids from the Ticha Formation of the East Fore-Balkan (Bulgaria). In: Proceedings of the National Conference “Geosciences - 2012”, Sofia, 13-14 December, 95-96.
  • Лакова, И., Петрова, С. 2012. Биостратиграфия титонского, берриасского и валанжинского ярусов по калпионеллам в горах Старой планины, Болгария. В: Меловая система России и ближнего зарубежья: проблемы стратиграфии и палеогеографии. Сб. науч. трудов / под ред. Е.Ю. Барабошкина, Н.А. Бондаренко, К.Е. Барабошкина. - Краснодар: Изд-во Кубанского гос. ун-та, 2012, 180.
  • Andreeva, P., Metodiev, L., Kiselinov, H., Dochev, D., Petrova, S. 2013. Depositional facies, diagenesis and porosity development of the Campanian-Paleogene carbonates from Boykin dol section (Eastern Fore-Balkan, Bulgaria) - preliminary results. In: Proceedings of the IV International scientific and technical conference “Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Balkan-Black sea region”, 11-15 september 2013, Varna, Bulgaria, 73-80.
  • Andreeva, P., Stefanov, Y., Metodiev, L., Kiselinov, H., Dochev, D., Petrova, S. 2013. Campanian-Maastrichtian carbonate microfacies from the Eastern Fore-Balkan (Bulgaria). In: 9-th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System. 1-5 September 2013, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Abstract book, p. 98.
  • Lakova, I., Petrova, S.2013. Towards a standard Tithonian to Valanginian calpionellid zonation of the Tethyan Realm. Acta Geologica Polonica, 63, 2, 201-221.
  • Petrova, S., Rabrenovic, D., Lakova, I., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Ivanova, D., Metodiev, L., Malesevic, N. 2012. Biostratigraphy and microfacies of the pelagic carbonates across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in eastern Serbia (Stara Planina-Porec Zone). Geologica Balcanica, 41, 1-3, 53-76. (излязла от печат 2013 г.) ISSN 0324-0894
  • Grabowski, J., Lakova, I., Schnabl, P., Sobien, K., Petrova, S. 2014. Berriasian bio- and magnetostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of the Barlya section (Western Balkan Unit, Bulgaria) - preliminary results. Volumina Jurassica, 12, 1, 185-194. ISSN 1731-370
  • Platonov, E., Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Arkadiev, V. 2014. Tithonian and Lower Berriasian calpionellid against ammonite biostratigraphy of the Dvuyakornaya Formation in eastern Crimea. Geologica Balcanica, 43, 1-3, 63-76. (излязла от печат 2015 г.) ISSN 0324-0894
  • Andreeva, P., Metodiev, L., Vangelov, D., Kiselinov, V., Dochev, D., Petrova, S., Vangelova, V. 2016. Santonian-Paleogene carbonate microfacies from Yankovo section (Easrern Fore-Balkan, NE Bulgaria) - preliminary results. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 69, 6, 769-774. IF = 0.23, ISSN 1310-1331 (Print), ISSN 2367-5535 (Online)
  • Grabowski, J., Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Stoykova, K., Ivanova, D., Wojcik-Tabol, P., Sobien, K., Schnabl, P. 2016. Paleomagnetism and integrated stratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian hemipelagic succession in the Barlya Section Western Balkan, Bulgaria: Implications for lithogenic input and paleoredox variations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 461, 156-177. IF = 2.525, ISSN 0031-0182
  • Grabowski, J., Schnabl, P., Lakova, I., Sobien, K., Petrova, S. 2013. First magnetostratigraphic results of the Berriasian in the Western Balkan Mts, Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the National Conference “Geosciences - 2013”, Sofia, 12-13 December, 69-70. ISSN 1313-2377
  • Grabowski, J., Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Schnabl, P., Sobien, K., Ivanova, D. 2014. Magnetostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility and calpionellid stratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian in the West Balkan Mts, Bulgaria (Barlya section). In: 2nd Workshop of IGCP 609: Climate-environmental deteriorations during greenhouse phases: causes and consequences of short-term Cretaceous sea-level change AND Earthtime-EU Sequence Stratigraphy Workshop: Eustasy and sequence stratigraphy in the Cretaceous Greenhouse. Abstract Volume. Bucharest 2014. (ed. Melinte-Dobrinescu M.C & Briceag A.), p. 14.
  • Petrova, S., Ivanova, D., Nikolov, N., Koleva-Rekalova, E., Lakova, I. 2014. Microfossil record and facies transitions of Oxfordian to Berriasian carbonates in the Western Srednogorie, Bulgaria. In: Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike - Proceedings of XX CBGA Congress, 24-26 September 2014, Tirana, Albania (Beqiraj, A. et al., eds.), Special Issue - vol. 2/2014, General Sessions, 79-80. ISSN 0254-5276, ISSN 2306-9600
  • Grabowski, J., Idakieva, V., Ivanova, D., Ivanov, M., Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Schnabl, P., Sobien, K., Stoykova, K., Tchoumatchenco, P. 2015. Integrated bio-, magnetostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of Upper Berriasian hemipelagic carbonates in the West Balkan Mts. In: 7th BgGS National Conference With International Participation "GEOPHYSICS 2015", Sofia, Bulgaria, 20-23 May 2015, 1-6. ISBN 1314-2518
  • Grabowski, J., Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Wojcik-Tabol, P., Ivanova, D., Schnabl, P., Sobien, K. 2015. Lithogenic input and redox variations in the Upper Berriasian of the Western Balkan (Barlya section): constraints from magnetic stratigraphy and geochemistry. In: Abstract Book of 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Krakow, Poland, 22-25 June 2015, p. 212.
  • Grabowski, J., Stoykova, K., Wojcik-Tabol, P., Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Ivanova, D., Kochan, M. 2015. Multi-proxy record of the Upper Berriasian palaeoenvironmental changes in the Barlya section (Western Balkan, Bulgaria): clastic input, redox and productivity variations, nannofossil response. In: Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz, Band 21, STRATI 2015, Graz, Austria, 19-23 July 2015, p. 138. ISSN 1608-8166
  • Lakova, I., Petrova, S., Rehakova, D. 2016. High-diversity chitinoidellid associations from the West Balkan (Bulgaria) correlated with their record in the Western Carpathians. In: Sujan, M. (Ed.): Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians: 10th ESSEWECA Conference, Abstract Book, 1st-2nd December 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia, 50-51. ISBN 978-80-223-4201-8
  • Rehakova, D., Michalik, J., Lakova, I., Petrova, S. 2016. Calpionellid tests malformations recorded in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates of the Western Carpathians and Western Balcan - a tool for paleoenvironmental interpretation. In: Sujan, M. (Ed.): Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians: 10th ESSEWECA Conference, Abstract Book, 1st-2nd December 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia, 85-86. ISBN 978-80-223-4201-8

    Last update 13 December 2016
