Dr. Mariana Yossifova

Assocate Professor, Ph.D.

Full name: Mariana Georgieva Yossifova

Address: Department of Geochemistry and Petrology ,
Geological Institute , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad.G.Bonchev-Street Build. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: ( + 359 2) 979 3266; fax: ( + 359 2) 8724 638

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Department: Geology and Geography, Subject: Geology (1989).
Master Sc. In “Geology and geochemistry of the fossil fuel”
Title of the work: “Petrographical and mineralogical investigation of coal and waste products from Central Preparation Plant “Bobov Dol”
Ph.D. (2001). Title of the work: “Petrographical, mineralogical and inorganic chemical composition of coal and their solid wastes from Preparation Plants “Tvarditza”, “Pernik” and “Bobov Dol”
Main fields of geological interest and research activities:
Coal; Petrographical, mineral and inorganic chemical composition of the coal; Waste products from coal preparation (slime, host rock, waters); Environment; Coal fairs, Microorganisms.

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Last modified: 14 March 2017

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