Major Fields in Scientific Research:

  • Contributions in ammonite taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Jurassic in the Balkan Mountains;
  • Interests and contributions in isotope and sedimentary geochemistry of the Lower Jurassic in the Balkan Mountains;
  • Contributions in geological mapping (1:50 000) of sedimentary terrains of the Balkan Mountains;
  • Interests and contributions in organization of scientific geocollections;
  • Laboratory experience in application of geochemical and isotope methods for investigation of fossils and sedimentary rocks:
    - study of the diagenetic overprint of fossils and rocks, using cold cathodoluminescence (University of Bremen, Germany, 2003–2004);
    - quantitative and isotope analysis of the organic matter in sedimentary rocks, using Solid Sample Module SSM-5000 (A) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer, CS-200 Carbon/Sulphur Analyzer č FINNIGAN MAT Delta S Mass Spectrometer (University of Bremen, Germany, 2003–2004);
    - quantitative geochemical analysis of sedimentary rocks, using SPECTRO XEPOS - Portable Energy Dispersive Polarization X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer connected with ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer Perkin-Elmer Optima 3300 (University of Bremen, Germany, 2003–2004);
    - preparation of Sr-extracts for isotope measurements of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in microprobes of fossils and sedimentary rocks, associated with Thermo-Finnigan Triton Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (University of Leeds, UK, 2009–2013).

    Professional and Scientific Awards:
    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Award „Prof. Marin Drinov” for young scientists (2006).

    Language literacy:
    English and French (fluent)
    Bulgarian (native language)