Memberships in editorial boards, professional organizations, scientific and advisory councils

Editorial boards

  • Member of Ground Improvement ISSMGE TC-17 Executive Editorial Board, Thomas Telford Ltd, London, UK, (2003 - to the present)

    Professional organizations

  • International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (1989 - to the present)
  • Bulgarian Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (1989 - to the present)
  • Member of the Managing Council of the Bulgarian Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2002 - to the present)
  • Bulgarian Society of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2001 - to the present)

    Scientific and advisory councils

  • Specialized Scientific Council for Geological Sciences of the Higher Testimonial Commission (2004 - to the present)
  • Scientific Council of the Geological Institute of BAS (2003 - to the present)
  • Advisory Council for Belene NPP construction, Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources (2003-2005)