Geological Research Laboratory "Geolab"
1113 Sofia,Acad.G.Bonchev st. bl.24
phone. (+359 2) 9792223 ; GSM (+359) 0899355971 ; fax: (+359 2) 724 638 ,

Head: Associate Professor Metodi Karadzhov, Ph.D. ,

Geology Research Laboratory "Geolab" is a separate unit in the Geological Institute "Strashimir Dimitrov" Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In its structure, equipment, well trained personnel and analytical capabilities "Geolab" is comparable with the modern research laboratory complexes.

1. The main activity of the laboratory include testing of various natural resources
(minerals) and technogenic products:

2. "Geolab" has the necessary technical means for performing precise tests meeting European standards: 3. Partners and customers "Geolab" are: Summary of comparative history "Geolab" participated in the following international projects:
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Last update: 20.10. 2017

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