scientific staff
former members
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kerestedjian
Head of Department

Geological Institute
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., bl. 24
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 9792282
Fax: +359 2 8724638

M.Sc in Geology and mineral exploration, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Faculty of Geology, 1980
Ph.D. in Mineralogy and Crystallography, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,1989
Керестеджиян Т (1989) Кристалохимия и парагенези на Ni-Co-Fe сулфоарсениди от полиметални находища в България. Дисертация. Геологически институт, БАН, София,  187с.

Positions held
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Head of Department “Mineralogy and Mineral Resources” – 2006-current
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Assoc. Prof. -2002-current
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Res. Assoc. –1991-2002

Journal “Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology – Chief Editor

Membership in scientific organizations
International Mineralogical association – member of 3 commissions
European Mineralogical Union – National representative
Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Bulgarian Geological Society
Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (secretary)
Scientific Council of the Geological institute – member
Bulgarian Scientific Union

Main fields of scientific research
mineralogy, crystallography, mineral resources, geo-ecology, mining waste management, sulphides, arsenides, sulpharsenides, base metals, gold, chromium, PGM, tellurides, hydrothermal processes, metasomatic, vein, porphyry ores, computer processing of mineral data, mineral databases

Participation in programmes and projects
Trace element and isotope studies of rocks, soil, minerals, coal, waters and archeological artifacts by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), RNF01/0006 (2008-2010), National Science Fund, Leader: Res. Prof. D.Sc. Peter Marchev

Assessment and prognosis for rehabilitation of the environment in heavy metal polluted areas in Bulgaria and application of these methods in similar areas in India (following the example of KCM – Plovdiv), DО1-239, (2007-2010), National Science Fund, Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksey Benderev

Mechanisms of concentration and remobilization of Platinum group elements during the metamorphism of chromite ores in ophiolitic complexes from SE Bulgaria. – inter-academic exchange program, Spain, Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kerestedjian

Minerals of the Fe and PGE as genetic indicators for Bulgarian ultrabasites, internal contract with BAS, Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kerestedjian

Safe Management of Mining Waste and Waste Facilities, contract No: 044126 (SAFEMANMIN), ERA-ENV, 6th Framework Programme, (2006-2007), Leader for Bulgarian team: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kerestedjian

Geoecological assessment of the tailing impoundment waste as main pollutant for the environment (soil, water and vegetation) in the Chiprovtsi area, Northwestern Bulgaria, NZ-VU-04/05, (2005-2008), National Science Fund, Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vassilka Mladenova (Sofia University)

Transformation and remobilization of some constituents of arsenic and antimony containing mining and refining waste materials in the vicinity of Chiprovtzi, Montana district - еnvironmental impact, NZ-MU-1507, (2005-2007), National Science Fund, Leader: Res. Assoc. Dimitrina Dimitrova

WATMETAPOL: Dynamics, evolution and limitation of heavy metal water pollution in the Plovdiv region (Bulgaria), SfP 973739, NATO Science for Peace Program, 2000-2003, Leader: Res. Prof. D.Sc. Elka Pencheva

International scientific journals
Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Gervilla F., Proenza JA, Kerestedjian T, Auge T, Bailly L (2009) Zoning of laurite (RuS2)—erlichmanite (OsS2): implications for the origin of PGM in ophiolite chromitites. Eur. J. Mineral., 21, DOl: 10.ll27/0935-1221/2009/002l-1921, 419-432.

Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Kerestedjian T, Proenza JA, Gervilla F (2009) Metamorphism of Chromite ores from the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, Rhodope Mountains (SE Bulgaria). Geologica Acta, 7, 4, DOI:10.1344/104.000001447, 413-429.

Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Gervilla F, Proenza J, Auge T, Kerestedjian T. (2009) Distribution of platinum-group minerals in ophiolitic chromitites. Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B), 118, 3/4, 101-110. DOI 10.1179/174327509X12550990457924.

González-Jiménez JM, Gervilla F, Kerestedjian T, Proenza JA. (2009) Effects of metamorphism on Platinum-Group and Base-Metal Mineral Assemblages in ophiolite chromitites from the Dobromirtsi Massif, Rhodope Mountains (SE Bulgaria). Mineralogical Magazine (in press).

Gervilla F, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Kerestedjian T, Glavev B (2008) Geochemistry of platinum group elements in chromitites from the Rhodope Massif (Bulgaria). Macla, 9, ISSN: 1885-7264, 115-116.

Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Proenza JA, Kerestedjian T, Gervilla F (2008) El Metamorfismo de Las Cromitas del Macizo de Dobromirtsi (Montanas Rhodope SE Bulgaria). Macla, 9, ISSN: 1885-7264, 129-130.

Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Gervilla F, Proenza J, Kerestedjian T (2006) Mineralogia de los elementos del grupo del platino en cromititas del macizo de dobromirtsi, montanas Rhodope (SE Bulgaria). Macla (J. Spanish Geol. Soc.), 6, 237-240.

Trifonova R, Kerestedjian T, Atanassova R, Satchanska G, Groudeva V (2003) Strains resistant to heavy metals in polluted soils and waters from the Pb-Zn smelter in Bulgaria. Biotechnol. and Biotechnol. Eq. 17, 2, 91-97.

Bonev I, Kerestedjian T, Atanassova. R, Andrew C (2002) Morphogenesis and composition of native gold in the Chelopech volcanogenic massive-sulphide gold-copper deposit, Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria. Mineral. Deposita. 37, 614-629

Nakov R, Kerestedjian T, Kunov A (2002) Silistar volcano-intrusive area, Eastern Srednogorie, Bulgaria – structure and potential for porphyry-copper and epithermal systems. Turk. Journ. Earth Sci., 11, 217-229

Kerestedjian T (1997) Chemical and morphological features of arsenopyrite, concerning its use as a geothermometer. Mineralogy and Petrology, 60, 231-243.

Vesselinov I, Kerestedjian T (1995) Kinetic aspects of sector zoning in arsenopyrite: a case study. Mineralogy and Petrology, 52, 85-106.
Bulgarian scientific journals

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T (2009) Efflorescent minerals from the metallurgical waste heaps of the KCM non-ferrous metal smelter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, 47, 51-63, ISSN 0324-1718.

Kerestedjian T, Gervilla F, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM , Proenza J (2007) Godlevskite Ni9S8 from Dobromirtsi, Central Rhodopes, Bulgaria: First report for the country and genetic implications. Geochem. Mineral and Petrol., 45, 19-28.

Dimitrova D, Kerestedjian T (2006) Bismuth minerals in the postskarn sulphide-arsenide mineralization in the Martinovo iron deposit, Northwestern Bulgaria. Geochem. Mineral and Petrol., 44, 19-32.

Kvinikadze M, Kuparadze D, Kerestedjian T, Sirbiladze I (2006) Geoecological assessment of the environment: An example from the territory of Georgia. Geochem. Mineral and Petrol., 44, 131-140.

Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T, Dimitrova D (2003) The Govezhda gold deposit, Western Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria.  Geochem, Mineral. Petrol., 40, 109-121.

Kerestedjian T, Bonev I  (2001) Complex argentopentlandite - mackinawite inclusions in chalcopyrite: A solid state exsolution mechanism. Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol., 38, 23-33.

Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T, Dimitrova D (2001) Ag-Cu-Pb-Bi mineralization from the Svishti Plaz gold deposit, Central Balkan mountain, Bulgaria. Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol., 38, 55-66.

Nakov R, Kerestedjian T, Kunov A, Arnaudov V, Amov B  (2001) New data for a Paleogene epithermal origin of the gold mineralization in Kamilski Dol area, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 62, 1-3, 55-64

Керестеджиян Т, Алкалай Е (2001) Програмата за идентификация на минерали MinMatch - решение на някои принципни проблеми при ползуване на минераложки бази данни. Геохим. Минерал. и Петрол., 38, 121-124.

Керестеджиян Т, Атанасова Р  (2000) Възможности на езика за описание на виртуални обекти VRML 2.0 при изобразяване на кристални структури и морфология. Геохим. Минерал. и Петрол., 37, 107-110.

Керестеджиян Т, Атанасова Р, Бонев  И, Христов   Вл, Юрукова Л, Арнаудов В,  Хаджиев Ал, Апостолова И, Мешинев Т ( 2000) Екологично въздействие на минно-добивната дейност – комплексно изследване в долината на Ерма река, Мадански руден район. Геохим. Минерал. и Петрол., 37, 111-126.

Керестеджиян Т,  Атанасова Р  (1999) Електронни средства за съхранение и достъп до минераложка информация. Геохим. Минерал. и Петрол., 36, 149-155.

Kerestedjian T,  Mladenova V  (1998) Spherulits of native arsenic from Sedefche deposit , Eastern Rhodopes. Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol., 34, 27-34.

Бонев Ив, Керестеджиян Т, Хаджиев Ал, Андрю К (1998) Морфология на самородното злато от рудното находище Челопеч. Геохим. Минерал. и Петрол., 35, 3-16.

Kerestedjian T (1997) Argentopentlandite (Fe, Ni)8+xAg1-xS8 from Kamilski Dol - a new mineral species for Bulgaria. Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 58, 1, 15-18.

Веселинов И, Коларова В, Хаджиев А, Хрисчева Е, Керестеджиян Т (1996) Минераложки и геохимични характеристики на две хранилища на отпадъци от обогатителните фабрики в Мартиново и Чипровци. Геохим. Минерал. и Петрол. 31, 89-102.

Веселинов И, Коларова В, Хаджиев А, Хрисчева Е, Керестеджиян Т (1996) Отпадъчните продукти в хранилището на обогатителната фабрика в Челопеч. Минно дело и геология, 4, 11-14.

Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T (1997) A case of pyrite-kuestelite intergrowth in Popsko deposit, Eastern Rhodopes. Geochem., Mineral. and Petrol., 32, 29-33.

Kerestedjian TN, Minceva-Stefanova J (1988) Crystal chemistry and internal structure of arsenopyrites from deposits in the Rhodope area, Bulgaria. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 41, 1, 67-70

Kerestedjian T (1984) Alloclasite-cobaltite paramorphic transformation in the ores of Vatia deposit, West Balkan Mountain. Geologica Balcanica, 14, 5, 73-78

Керестеджиян Т, Нейков Хр (1984) Състав и особености на кобалтина от мина Ватия, Ботевградско. Сп. БГД, 45, 3, 349-357.

Proceedings of international congresses and conferences

Vassileva RD, Atanassova R, Kouzmanov K, Kerestedjian T (2009) Madan Pb-Zn deposits, Central Rhodopes, Bulgaria: Mineralization stages and fluid inclusion microthermometry. XX ECROFI meeting, 21-30 Sept., Granada, 271-272.

Dimitrova D, Cholakova Z, Velitchkova N, Kotsev Ts, Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T, Antonov D (2007) Heavy metal and metalloid concentration dynamics in mine and surface waters in the vicinity of Chiprovtsi and Martinovo mines, Northwestern Bulgaria. Proceedings of 11th Congress of Geological Society of Greece, Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 37, 1397-1408.

Dimitrova D, Kerestedjian T, Petrova M (2007) Cinnabar-pyrite mineralization associated with fluorite replacement bodies in the Chiprovtsi silver-lead deposit, Northwestern Bulgaria. Proceedings from the 9th Biennial SGA Meeting, 20-23.08.2007, Dublin, Ireland, 873-876.

Dimitrova D, Kerestedjian T, Petrova M, Iliev Ts (2007) Compositional variations in the tetrahedrite-tennantite fahlores and polybasite-pearceite series from the Chiprovtsi Ag-Pb deposit, northwestern Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 2007 Field Workshop of IGCP 486, Espoo, Finland, 26-30.08.2007, 39-45.

González-Jiménez JM, Gervilla F, Kerestedjian T, Proenza JA (2007) Postmagmatic evolution of platinum-group and base-metal mineral assemblages in Paleozoic ophiolitic chromitites from the Dobromirtsi massif, Rhodope Mountains (SE Bulgaria). Proc. 9th biennial SGA meeting, 20-24 August 2007, Dublin, Ireland, 889-892.

González-Jiménez JM, Gervilla F, Proenza JA, Keredstedjian T, Auge T, Bailly L (2007) Zoning in laurite: A key to understand the genesis of ophiolitic chromitites. MACLA-7: XXVII annual meeting of the Spanish mineralogical society.  p. 107.

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T, Donchev I (2004) Mineralogy and remobilization processes in the weltz-clinker dump site, Plovdiv region, Bulgaria.  8thInternational Congress on Applied Mineralogy, Aguas de Lindoia, Brasil, September 19-22, 2004, Publ. in: Pecchio et al. (eds.) 8th ICAM 2004, Aguas de Lindoia, Brasil, 387-389.

Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T, Dimitrova D (2004) The Balkan Mountains Paleozoic Gold Deposits.  10th G. S. G. Congress, 15-17 April 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece. Publ., 424-433.

Kerestedjian T, Atanassova R, Piperov N (2003) Recent mineral formation and heavy metal remobilization in clinker waste heaps of KCM smelter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 7th Biennial SGA Meeting Athens (Greece), August 24–28, 2003. In: Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development, Mill. Press Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2003, 1, 29-32.

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T  (2002) Heavy metal remobilization in clinker waste heaps in the vicinity of KCM smelter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Depo Tech–Abfallwirtschaftstagung, Leoben, Austria, November 20–22, 2002, Publication in Lorber et al. (eds.) DepoTech 2002, Konferenzbericht, Gluekauf Verlag, Essen 2002,  421-426.

Proceedings of Bulgarian congresses and conferences
Бендерев А, Михайлова Б, Керестеджиян Т, Атанасова Р, Сингх В (2009) Оценка на актуалното екологично състояние в района на КЦМ Пловдив, след провеждане на мероприятия по опазване на околната среда. Сборник с разширени резюмета “ГЕОНАУКИ 2009”, 123-124, ISSN 1313-2377.

Kerestedjian T. (2009) The new digital (image foil) Guinier camera in the Geological Institute, BAS: an introduction. Proceedings of the Ist National Crystallographic Symposium, October 22-23, 2009, Sofia, (in press).

Dimitrova D, Kerestedjian T, Iliev Ts (2008) Uraninite in the Mo-W skarns from the Martinovo deposit, NW Bulgaria. Proceedings of Scientific conference “From field observations to atomic structure: 60 years of Geology in Sofia University”, 9-10.01.2008, ISBN 978-954-07-2670-0, 17-21.

Kuparadze D, Pataridze D, Kerestedjian T (2008) Ancient Georgian iron metallurgy and its ore base. In: Kostov R, Gaydarska B, Gurova M (Eds) Proc. Intern. Conf. Geoarcheology and Archeomineralogy, “St. Ivan Rilski” Publ. House, Sofia, ISBN: 978-954-353-085-4, 248-252.

González-Jiménez JM, Keredstedjian T, Gervilla F, Proenza JA (2007) Statistical analysis of the distribution of platinum-group minerals in the ophiolite chromitites from the Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif (SE Bulgaria): implications for their origin and postmagmatic evolution. Proceedings of the National Conference “Geosciences 2007”, Sofia, 30.11.-01.12.2007, 52-53.

Kerestedjian T, Dimitrova D, Atanassova R (2007) Methods for characterization of mining waste: European profile. Proceedings of SGEM 2007, 11-15.06.2007, Albena, Bulgaria, 184

Kerestedjian T, Gervilla F, González-Jiménez JM , Proenza J (2006) New data on chromitites from Dobromirtsi, Eastern Rhodopes. Proceedings of National Conference “Geosciences 2006”, Sofia, 30.11.-01.12.2006, 255-258.

R. Atanassova & T. Kerestedjian (2004) Recent mineral deposition and remobilisation processes in clinker waste heaps in the vicinity of KCM smelter, Plovdiv. International Conference of Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection SGEM 2004 Bulgaria, 14 - 18 June, 2004, 409-415

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T, Satchanska G (2003) Mineralogical, geochemical and microbiological study of metal polluted soils, sediments and dump materials in the vicinity of the KCM Pb-Zn smelter, Plovdiv region.  3dIntern. Scientific Conference “Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection”, Albena, Bulgaria, June 9–13, 2003, Proceedings Book, 305-315.

Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T, Dimitrova D (2003) The Paleozoic gold deposit in the Balkan Mountain. Proc. Geology 2003, Ann. Conference Bulg. Geol. Soc., Sofia, December 11-12, 2003. 59-61.

Младенова В, Керестеджиян Т, Димитрова Д (2003) Златото в златорудните находища Говежда и Свищи плаз, Старопланинска зона. ІV Национален симпозиум „Металогения на България”, София, 07-09 май, 2003. Публ. Сб. Докл., 122-125.

Наков Р, Керестеджиян Т, Кунов А, Арнаудов В, Бонев Д, Беливанов К (1999) Геоложка позиция и перспективност на златните минерализации от района на с. Камилски дол, Ивайловградско. III национален симпозиум Металогения на България. София, 23-24. 11. 1999. Разширено резюме, 89-92 с.

Vassileva RD, Atanassova R, Marchev P, Kerestedjian T (2009) Madan Pb-Zn sulphide deposits as part of the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride province. Abstracts volume of the MinPet 2009- 4th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, 7-11 Sept. 2009, Budapest. Mitt. Osterr. Miner. Ges. 155, 169, ISSN 1609-0144

Gervilla F,  Gonzalez-Jimenez J-M,  Kerestedjian T, Proenza J-A (2008) Origin of Ruthenian pentlandite by desulphurization reaction of laurite during alteration of ophiolite chromitites. 33 IGC, Oslo, Norway, August 6-14, 2008, Abstr. CD-MPM-04 Platinum-group mineralogy.

Dimitrova D, Mladenova V, Hecht L, Kerestedjian T, Machev Ph, Iliev Ts (2008) Accessory Fe-Ti oxides in the Pilatovets gabbro from the island-arc volcano-sedimentary sequence unconformably overlaying the Balkan-Carpathian ophiolite. 33 IGC, Oslo, Norway, August 6-14, 2008, Abstr. CD-MRD-14 Ophiolites, greenstone belts and ore deposits.

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T (2004) Native sulphur: A product of anthropogenic fumaroles. 32nd IGC Florence, Abstr. 633.

Pentcheva E, Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T (2004) Heavy metal and As remobilization in clinker waste heaps under the water interaction in the vicinity of KCM smelter, Plovdiv region, Bulgaria: Water-soil interaction in metallurgy contaminated area as a source of secondary heavy metal and soil pollution. 13th Intern. Symposium “Ecology 2004”, Bourgas, June 7–11, 2004, CD-R Proceedings.

Драгов П, Керестеджиян Т, Димитрова Д (2004) Рудно габро от района на Чипровци, област Монтана. – Минерогенезис 2004, 22-23 януари 2004, София, Абстракти, 32-33.

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T (2003) Heavy metal remobilization in clinker waste heaps in the vicinity of KCM smelter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Proceedings 12th Intern. Symposium “Ecology 2003”, June 2–6, 2003, Bourgas, CD-R Proceedings.

Kerestedjian T, Atanassova R (2002) Recent mineral formation from coke burning fumaroles in the metalurgical clinker heaps of KCM smelter, Bulgaria. XV IMA General meeting, Edinburgh, UK, September 1–6, 2002, Abstr. 149.

Atanassova R, Kerestedjian T( 2000) Self-purification of Zn and other heavy metals in mining effluents: a natural phenomenon. 2 EMU symposium on Environmental Mineralogy, Budapest, Hungary, May 15-20, Abstracts, p. 7.

Kerestedjian T, Mladenova V, Dimitrova D (2000) The arsenopyrite in the base metal, gold-bearing deposits Svishti Plaz and Govejda, Balkan Mountain, Bulgaria. ABCD-GEODE, Borovetz, 26-29 May, 2000, Abstracts, p. 36.

Mladenova V, Kerestedjian T, Dimitrova D (2000) Bismuth mineralization from the gold-bearing Svishti Plaz deposit, Central Balkan Mountain, Bulgaria. ABCD-GEODE, Borovetz, 26-29 May, 2000, Abstracts, p. 52.

Nakov R, Kerestedjian T, Kunov A (2000) Silistar volcano-intrusive area - opportunities for Cu-porphyry and epithermal systems in the southeastern Srednogorie zone. ABCD-GEODE, Borovetz, 26-29 May, 2000, Abstracts, p. 57.

Атанасова Р, Керестеджиян Т 1999) Кристални структури и морфология на минералите в компютърни изображения. Юбилейна научна сесия “Проблеми на минерогенезиса”. София, 20. 01. 1999, Резюмета, с. 2.

Бонев Ив, Керестеджиян Т, Хаджиев Ал, Андрю К (1999) Самородното злато в рудните концентрати на находище Челопеч. Юбилейна научна сесия “Проблеми на минерогенезиса”. София, 20. 01. 1999, Резюмета с. 5.

Керестеджиян Т, Младенова В, Димитрова Д (1999) Минераложки особености и вътрешен строеж на арсенопирити от златорудните находища Копиловци-Говежда, Западна Стара Планина. Юбилейна научна сесия “Проблеми на минерогенезиса”. София, 20. 01. 1999, Резюмета, с. 17.

Keresedjian T, Mladenova V, Petrov P, Neykova E (1998) Solid state growth of argentopentlandite and mackinawite in chalcopyrite. XVII IMA General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 9-14, Abstracts, A122.

Kerestedjian T, Vesselinov I (1995) A computer program for determination of most probable morphologically important crystal forms. XI Intern. Conf. Cryst. Growth, The Hague, 18-23 June, 1995, Abstracts, p. 821.

Keresedjian TN (1994) Chemical and morphological features of arsenopyrite concerning its use as a geothermometer. XV IMA General Meeting, Pisa, Italy, 03 - 09. 09. 1994. Abstracts, p. 199.

Беливанов К, Наков Р, Керестеджиян Т, Кунов А  (1992) Строеж на Силистарския вулкано-плутоничен център (Източно Средногорие). Постижения и задачи на българската минералогия и петрология. Sofia, 24 - 25. 09. 1992, Резюмета, с. 34.

Vesselinov I, Kerestedjian T, Neykov H  (1990) Kinetic aspects of sector zoning in arsenopyrite. XV IMA General Meetimg, Beijing, China, 28. 06 - 03. 07. 1990. Abstracts, 409-411.

Last modified: 15-Feb-2010
This page is created and maintained by D. Dimitrova